- Jan 31, 2021
LinkedIn highlights the Importance of Measuring Performance at a Later stage
LinkedIn's latest infographic released states that a majority of marketers expect performance indicators to be disclosed too soon during the campaign process. The early detection of ROI will lead to inaccurate results.
LinkedIn has in response to this highlighted that marketers should take the game slowly and steadily. The following are a few tips that are highlighted by LinkedIn :
1. Short-Term Risks
It is stated that there are various risks associated with measuring the results too early. It is always a good idea to slow down a bit to avoid any damage.
2. Difference in ROI
It is seen that ROI is the most preferred measure of success. However, it should be noted that other aspects need attention as well as content marketing.
3. Measurement is a Long Process
Apart from ROI, the Key Performance Indicators are another aspect that can enable to track the entire journey of the ROI.
Hence, it becomes clear that measuring ROI should be done at a later stage.
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