- Feb 22, 2021
LinkedIn's New 'Return to Growth 2021' Digital Magazine Released Highlighting Ways to Boost Brand Gr
LinkedIn has recently introduced its 'Return to Growth 2021' Digital magazine. The highlight of the magazine will be the different marketing tips and notes provided. The title of the magazine implies ways for businesses to return to growth after the pandemic in 2020.
The digital magazine contains several case studies, interviews, tips and ideas to help brands revive their growth. The magazine will include around 47 pages featuring expert notes for businesses to recover from the pandemic.
It reveals the following details :
- Around 97% of B2B marketers rely on LinkedIn
- The platform has 2.9 million groups and more than 706 million members.
Additionally, the platform also includes a range of different tips and advice for brands trying to enhance their growth. A detailed 6 point plan measuring the success of their LinkedIn campaigns is also part of the digital magazine.
The digital magazine will be worth reading for a marketer, providing insights for growing the business in 2021.
Read more at www.socialmediatoday.com