- Dec 15, 2020
TikTok Emerges to be the Highest Downloaded App in 2020, Reveals App Annie
The reports released by App Annie has revealed that TikTok is the most downloaded app in the year 2020. App Annie looked closely at the year-on-year performance for apps on both Android and iOS.
The growth of TikTok seems to have reached new heights as compared to last year. The platform is working towards leveraging this opportunity and is planning to integrate more eCommerce tools. However, TikTok needs to work more to challenge the social media giant, Facebook.
App Annie listed apps based on three categories: 'Total Downloads,' 'Consumer Spend,' and 'Monthly active Users.' The data tracking by App Annie is responsible for collecting the data regarding the most used app. In addition to TikTok, Zoom is another app that has seen a significant rise in its download activity.
These apps are followed by Telegram and Messenger. Google Meet, Likee, and Singaporean video apps are some new emerging alternatives related to the video conferencing app category.
Read more at www.socialmediatoday.com